+44 1983 864112


Limited research

Price £160

This package is ideal for anyone on a smaller budget or who would like help to get started on their family tree. We will do the ground work and provide you with the names and details of any ancestors found and their immediate family. This includes up to 4 Birth, Marriage and Death certificates, census records, easy to read, at a glance charts and time lines, and certain other records and photos depending on availability. We will also include any of your own photos or information you may wish us to include. We will also supply reference information and advice on how to further your own research. This is produced to the same standard of presentation as our other packages and will include 10 extra acid free covers for you to add your own research or documents as you acquire them. If, after you receive your portfolio, you wish to upgrade to one of our other packages, we will deduct the original amount paid, from the usual cost of that package. If you wish to commission further research other than package products, you will receive 20% discount off our standard charges.
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